Summer Showcase + Cosmic & Tangent

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Come cheer on our youth participants in a mock Rising Star contest, hear them sing barbershop (some for the first time) in our Rising Stars of Region 10 Youth Chorus, and then listen to performances by Cosmic Quartet & Tangent Quartet in a FREE concert!

Event Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Crowne Plaza San Antonio Airport
1111 NE Interstate 410 Loop, San Antonio, TX

Event Time: 6PM SHOWCASE!
The evening showcase will include our regional Rising Star Youth Quartet Contest, a performance by the Rising Stars of Region 10 Summer Youth Chorus (with Cosmic), presentation of awards, and a FREE concert from Cosmic Quartet (our 2023 Intl Rising Star Champions) and Tangent Quartet who will also perform!


Quick Links & Info:

Quartet Contest Registration 

Youth Workshop Registration 

Hotel Reservations 
This is a one day only event, but for those who may be traveling and would like to stay over the weekend, you are welcome to reserve a room at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (111 Northeast Loop 410, San Antonio TX).

For more information about youth programming, please visit

We look forward to seeing you there!

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