61st Annual Regional Convention & Competition
March 21-23, 2024 • Houston, Texas
- You can locate All Historical Competition Results on our Resources page!
- Information & Guidelines:
- Quick Competition Deadlines
- Steering Committee Members
- Letter from the Steering Committee
- General Information for All Members
- Hotel Housing Information
- Individual Meal Options
- Official Regional & Contest Apparel
- Thursday Night Mixer & Slide Show
- Friday All Member Kick Off Event
- Show of Champions Proposed Timeline
- Chorus Riser Configuration
- Silent Auction Info & Bid Sheet
- Volunteer Info & Opportunities
- Chorus Competition Coordinator Check List
- Forms for Submission:
- Chapter at Large Registration Form (Online)
- Chorus Rehearsal Request Form (Online)
Chorus Breakfast Request Form (Online)Not available in 2025- Chorus Dinner Request Form (Online)
- Chorus Competitor Info Form (Online)
- Chorus Recording & Film Rights Form
- Chorus Master Registration Spreadsheet
- Chorus List of Competing Members – Please bring TWO printed copies to the Friday Briefing.
- Quartet Competitor Info Form (Online)
- Quartet Recording & Film Rights Form
- Read Photography Photo Order Form
- Volunteer Sign-up Form (Online)
Back by popular demand! Region 10 has an official webcast again this year for $30, which includes the Quartet Contest, Chorus Contest, Web-host Commentary, Competitor Interviews, Show of Champions, and delayed viewing for 2 weeks following our convention. Access the webcast at www.region10webcast.com through April 7th, 2024!
Get ready to amplify the energy and excitement of our annual competition event! Show your support for our friends and competitors with a Personal Pitch that will make their day shine brighter! In exchange for a $10 donation, you can submit words of encouragement, a celebration of their hard work, or a funny (but appropriate) inside joke! Your Personal Pitch will be shared with the live webcast audience, making this an unforgettable experience for everyone involved! Shoutouts will be read by our webcast hosts during the live broadcast, and all Personal Pitches will be posted to our Convention Hub following the competition. Submit your personal pitch today: https://bit.ly/r10personalpitches
Who is this shoutout FOR? Who is the shoutout FROM? Please write your Personal Pitch below! 99 Problems Laura DeGraw Have the best time on stage this year — you have worked hard and it shows! LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Cheryl Pyle – Chair of the Regional Convention RMT Thank you for everything you have done for Region 10’s conventions over the past 13 years. Your hard work and dedication to this region do not go unnoticed! What a superstar! Jason DeGraw Region 10 Steering Committee Thanks for stepping in and filling such an important role as overnight security for our Harmony Expo this year. You are so appreciated! HOT NOTE Cheryl P – Your biggest fan! Love to you all. Be Happy. Be Free. and Have a GREAT TIME ON STAGE! Changed 4 Good Quadraphonic Quartet (Region 25) Shoutout to Changed 4 Good from Region 25’s Quadraphonic Quartet! We love you! Karen and Pat Eversden Lisa Thanks for always being my biggest fan! Kerri Mauney Individuals Wishing all the Region 10 quartets and choruses a great contest and especially Kerri Mauney with Hot Note quartet and The Woodlands Show Chorus! Texas Harmony Amanda Thompson I can’t wait to see you rock the stage! I’m so proud of you! Chisholm Trail Chorus Amanda Thompson Thank you for all you do for me. I am honored to join you in this sisterhood. The SHEnanigans Amanda Thompson SISTAS! Thanks for the laughter, shenanigans, and malarkey! Congrats on your first contest, Kelly! JP Portier Darline LeJeune & BAYOU BLEND! WE LOVE YOU! Changed 4 Good Treble In The Village Love you guys! Cheering for you! Changed4Good Ken Really, really proud of these ladies! They’re super individually, and terrific together. Hey, Babe! Mosaic Your Harmony Hubby Way to go, ladies. Couldn’t be more proud. BUNCHES! Crescent City Sound Chorus Cathy Harrell Always gonna lift you up! Singing with you in spirit from home in Barbie Land. Shout out to the Shenanigans of Chisolm Trail Momma K Enjoy your spotlight and ring those chords!! Treasure the fun you have together and with your Chisolm Trail sisters. A Capella Unlimited Individual — Mom & Dad Fantastic performance! Loved seeing y’all!
- Awesome Massage — Diane Blalock is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT).
- Heartland Market — Traveling boutique designed with style and comfort in mind.
- Sandra & Joe Boone — Premier/jBloom Designs Jewelry with PermaLinx
We are seeking vendors to add to our Harmony Expo for this year’s annual convention. If you know someone who might be interested in having a booth at our event, please have them contact us at expo@region10sai.org!
As Texas has no mask or vaccine mandates at this time, neither will Region 10 for the 2024 contest. The same is true for the Hilton Hotel. We have, however, put some policies into place to add a level of safety to the contest weekend.
1) Masking and/or distancing is admissible on the stage and in all areas.
2) Hand sanitizer will be available for use in highly travelled areas.
3) Audience seating will be spaced out to an appropriate degree.
4) 9 sets of risers will be provided so singers can space out in chorus performances.
5) Chorus rehearsals will be scheduled with 30 minutes in between choruses in the same room.