2023 Convention Archive

Our 2023 Convention information remains below for reference.

As Texas has no mask or vaccine mandates at this time, neither will Region 10 for the 2023 contest. The same is true for the Hilton Hotel. We have, however, put some policies into place to add a level of safety to the contest weekend.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Additional Information for 2023:

1)  Masking and/or distancing is perfectly admissible both on the stage and in all areas.

2)  Hand sanitizer will be placed in highly travelled areas.

3)  Audience seating will be spaced out more than we’ve had before.

4)  9 sets of risers will be provided so singers can space out in chorus performances.

5)  Chorus rehearsals will be scheduled with 30 minutes in between each choruses in the same room.

6)  Region 10 is working with the hotel to ensure all 6 elevators are in use for our 2 days of competition.  In addition, we have been given permission for our less mobile members to use the service elevator.

7)  A Regional Afterglow has been scheduled for Saturday night after the Show of Champions in the Donatello Room on the 2nd floor.  You are allowed to bring in a personal snack and a cash bar will be available right outside.

8)  Region 10 is working with the hotel to ensure enough staff is available in the restaurant and at Starbucks during our peak times.

We Need You!!!   
The quartet and chorus briefing will be held at 9:00 on Friday morning in the ballroom. 
Please be prompt if not a little early as we will need your voices on the stage for a chorus mic check.

Back by popular demand! Region 10 will have an official webcast again this year for $25, which includes the Quartet Contest, Chorus Contest, Web-host Commentary, Competitor Interviews, Show of Champions, and delayed viewing for 2 weeks following our convention. Access the webcast at www.region10webcast.com!

These vendors will be on-site for 2023!
  • Blondie Designs – Artisan and unique jewelry designs.
  • Turnerville Hip Klips – Hands free, cell phone pocket accessory, and handmade leather bags.
  • Pens by Pugh – Handcrafted wooden writing pens, stylus pens, seam rippers, and mini stylus.
  • Premier Designs – High fashion jewelry, leader in design versatility. Guaranteed quality.